
How to Refinish Your Headlights

3 Means To Restore Your Headlights

If your headlight covers await hazy and naff, then try out these upkeep fixes that'll get them looking like new!

Assuasive your headlights to get cloudy not just reduces the amount of light that they let through, it as well makes your auto look nasty and will subtract its perceived value. So, if you don't want to be that guy (because permit's face information technology, women know better than to let their rides slip like this), then get off your seat/gaming chair and do something about it.

In nigh cases, yous'll need no more than a few dollars or pounds to get your lights shining vivid again, but retrieve that some fixes are more permanent than others…

1. The toothpaste trick

This is one yous're probably already familiar with, and for good reason: it'south one of the cheapest ways to restore headlights.

All you need is toothpaste with baking soda (the gritty kind of toothpaste), which you clasp into your manus and rub into the oxidised and hazy lights (you lot can besides practise this with an old toothbrush or a Dremel). The harder you rub, the improve, and after a while you should commencement to run into the toothpaste turning a dirty color (run into this How-To video by ChrisFix).

Once the toothpaste has stale on your headlights, simply wipe off with a cloth and warm water, and hey presto, your lights will exist looking a whole lot clearer. Finally, give the lights a layer of wax and a proficient buff to make sure they don't get yellow once more likewise quickly.

This toothbrush trick isn't a permanent solution (usually lasting anywhere between a few weeks and a couple of months), but it's quick and cheap and is a not bad trick before a car bear witness or inspection.

2. Baking soda + distilled white vinegar

The things you need here are a couple of cloths and two jugs, with distilled white vinegar in one and blistering soda in the other.

First off, pour the vinegar into the blistering soda. This causes the solution to fizz up considering of the differences in PH (blistering soda is alkaline, while vinegar is very acidic). Mix the paste together and rub the headlights with it using a cloth. Much like the toothpaste fob, the baking soda used in this fix acts as a rubbing compound to get rid of the oxidisation on the headlights, while the vinegar cuts through the grime (meet How-To video).

Once you've rubbed the headlights thoroughly, have a make clean textile and wipe the baking soda/distilled white vinegar mix off. Again, give the headlight a layer of wax and a good buff to assist protect it.

3. Doing the job properly!

If you want to fix your oxidised and hazy headlights permanently, then you lot're going to need a few things: sandpaper, tape, a jug/spray bottle of water, a canteen of rubbing alcohol, a can of UV-resistant articulate coat and a rubbish/garbage purse. Considering this task is a trivial more involved (simply still easy enough to do), I'll break information technology into five piece of cake steps:

1. Remove the headlights

Ideally, you'll want to remove the headlights from your machine, which is usually a thing of undoing a few screws and disconnecting the light bulbs. If the machine in question makes this job as well much of a task (like the PT Cruiser in this How-To video), and so simply tape effectually the headlight to make sure that you lot don't scratch the car'southward pigment during the sanding process.

2. Sanding

Before you brainstorm sanding, it's important to know the meaning backside the unlike grits of sandpaper. Very but put, the higher the grit number (measured per square inch of sandpaper), the softer the sandpaper will be on the surface you lot are rubbing it on because at that place are more sharp edges in the aforementioned square inch of sandpaper.

If you have very coarse woods that you wanted to sand smooth, for example, you'd need to start with a very low grit number (30 possibly) earlier gradually working your manner upwards to a polished wood stop (500-dust sandpaper).

  • For headlights that are heavily oxidised and very cloudy, it'southward expert to start with 400-dust sandpaper (classed every bit super fine sandpaper). If your headlights aren't too cloudy, then you can apply 600-grit sandpaper instead.

  • Before sanding, apply water (which acts as a lubricant) to the headlight and the sand newspaper. Lightly sand the headlights in a circular motion and make sure to keep spraying the surface with water throughout the process.

  • Once yous've done this, sand horizontally on the headlight using the aforementioned sandpaper (either 400 or 600 depending on oxidisation); the horizontal motion means that your articulate glaze is less likely to run on application later on.

Horizontal scratches mean that your clear coat is less likely to run on later application
  • If you've been using 400-grit sandpaper, then repeat the to a higher place process (lite round sanding motion followed by horizontal sanding) with 600-grit.

  • Clean off the headlights with h2o and a newspaper towel to become rid of any plastic that you've sanded off.

  • Now you lot need ultra-fine 2000-grit sandpaper, which you'll utilize lightly with water in a swirling and horizontal motion. This smoothes the surface even more, making it ready to be cleaned and UV-coated.

3. Make clean before clear coat application

At present that you've wet-sanded the headlights, yous demand to clean them with rubbing alcohol and a paper towel. This removes whatsoever oils that may have been transferred onto them from your hands.

4. Mask off the headlight with a rubbish bag

Carefully cut out a hole for your headlight and record around it

Before you apply your clear coat spray, you demand to mask off your bumper, wings and bonnet with a garbage/rubbish pocketbook. To do this, open up the purse, comprehend the headlight with it and tape information technology onto the trunk panels. Then, roughly cut out a hole for your headlight and tape around it every bit per epitome.

5. Applying the clear coat

Because you lot'll be applying multiple coats, make sure each step of application is washed lightly and evenly.

Betwixt coats, allow the clear coat to dry out (v minutes is enough) before applying a 2d and third coat. Leave the headlights for 24 hours to make sure they dry out properly, after which you'll come across how articulate they've become (see this How-To video by ChrisFix).

Then, it's only a matter of removing the tape and rubbish bag to meet your car's full and permanent transformation!


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