
Girlfriend and Boyfriend Quizzes with Results

What Type of Girlfriend Are You

What blazon of girlfriend are you? Lovely, cringey, or toxic? Take this GF quiz to observe out your type. Is your beau lucky to take you, or is he dissatisfied?

How to Know What Blazon of GF Y'all Are?

You tin identify the blazon of girlfriend you are by determining your toxicity level. College toxicity levels mean you are a bad GF—and vice versa. However, you lot can take a personality quiz, like the one on this page, to observe your exact category. More on this below.

Note: If the reason yous are hither is your boyfriend acting afar and cold, taking the 'Does He Like Me?' quiz is a better idea.

Which of the 6 Girlfriend Types Are Yous?

Our GF exam can identify the half-dozen most common types of partners. But reading each category's clarification gives you hints on which ane you might cease upwardly in later taking the questionary.

· Nice & Lovely

A lovely GF is the one that is always at that place for you. She knows she is not perfect, only that does not cease her from trying her all-time. And she is lovely considering she loves herself in a higher place all.

· Cute & Funny

She makes her boyfriend laugh—in the cutest means possible. Such a GF is not afraid of letting her feminine side out. But she is also careful non to get a doll-similar person.

· Cringey & Irritating

She is not considerate at all. A cringey and irritating girlfriend is the 1 who does not care nearly anyone just herself. Every footling statement is a boxing to her. And she is always blaming her boyfriend for every single problem that pops up.

· Drama Queen

Existence dramatic is in her blood. Drama queen type of girlfriend is stuck in her loftier school years. She cannot stop fighting over small things, spreading rumors, and craving everyone's attention.

· Bossy

"I'm bossy" is the to the lowest degree probable answer to hear when someone asks, "Which type of girlfriend are you?" But that does non modify anything. A bossy girlfriend is the one who wants to control his beau'due south life like a know-it-all supervisor—and that is awful.

· Toxic

The worst type of girlfriend is the toxic 1. She is bad for your mental health, career, friendships, and everything else. Such a partner would be manipulative, abusive, and sometimes even trigger-happy.

Take the Girlfriend Quiz to Find Out

Are you like, "What blazon of girlfriend am I?" Taking our 20-question test is the fastest mode to get an reply. We analyze your personality, toxicity level, affectionateness, and other traits to betrayal your GF category.

half-dozen Signs You Are a Bad Girlfriend

For some, the big question is, "am I a bad GF?" If that is the case, here is how to find out. If you lot accept one or more of the post-obit signs, you are not a skilful partner.

You lot never apologize.

A bad GF resists apologizing, no matter what. If y'all find it hard to say sorry, you lot are not a good partner.

Your boyfriend is your last priority.

Practise you always have important things to do? If yes, you are a terrible girlfriend.

Y'all are e'er correct.

Nosotros can't be righteous all the time. If you lot think the opposite, you are a baddie.

You do not pay for anything.

No ane wants to date a princess. You are not a good partner if you recall people should pay for your expenses.

Y'all hide your fellow.

Trying to human action similar you are not dating anyone, specially on social media, is fishy.

You desire to control him.

If you are a snobby type of girlfriend, do not even bother asking, "Am I a bad GF?" because the answer is a huge YES.

How to Know if Your Boyfriend Is Losing Interest in You

Sometimes, the answer to "What blazon of girlfriend are you?" is disappointing. You might find out that you lot are a cringey or irritating lover. And then, how to know if that is right and you are hurting your BF? Here is how an irritated and disappointed young man would deed. If he is like this, sadly, the examination results are accurate.

He talks less to you.

You feel like he acts weird when yous are around.

He does not reach out anymore.

Y'all are the only 1 who asks questions—and he responds with short answers.

Your boyfriend cancels near of your plans, and he has enough of excuses.

Things to Avoid to Go a Skillful Girlfriend

Let's say yous took the 'What Type of Girlfriend Are You?' quiz, and the results were not satisfying. Is at that place any way to change for the better? Yeah, at that place is. The following is the checklist of beingness a reliable, trustworthy, and lovely partner.

✅ Love Yourself.

People who do not honey themselves are not able to evidence healthy affection for others.

✅ Care for others.

Practise not act similar you lot are the only affair that matters in this world.

✅ Learn to trust.

You do not take to accept everything blindfolded. But trusting others is vital for a healthy relationship.

✅ Modify for the better.

No i is perfect. Constantly improve your behavior to avert becoming a toxic person in the hereafter.

✅ Listen to your boyfriend.

It is crucial to listen to your partner'due south thoughts and let him limited his feelings—even the bad ones.

Read Earlier Taking the Exam

Categorizing and labeling people is inappropriate. The 'What Type of Girlfriend Are You?' quiz is merely a fun style to rethink and analyze your behavior. So, accept the results lightly. The best way to come up with a reliable answer to such questions is talking to your partner.

Questions of the quiz

  • Question 1

    How hard is it for you lot to trust people?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 1

    • Slightly difficult

    • Easy

    • I trust anybody

    • Slightly difficult

    • Difficult

    • Impossible

  • Question 2

    How often do y'all repent?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 2

    • Always

    • Frequently

    • I don't like to repent

    • An amends is for the weak

    • Rarely

    • Never

  • Question three

    Do you talk behind others' backs? (Exist honest, no i is going to see the answers).

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 3

    • Rarely

    • Sometimes

    • Yes, behind anybody

    • Gossiping is my life

    • Only if I accept to

    • Only if I don't like the person

  • Question 4

    Exercise your friends and family know you have a swain?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 4

    • Yes

    • Nearly of them know

    • I adopt to have a secretive relationship

    • I hide him considering I can't lose him

    • No

    • I don't like to prove him to others

  • Question five

    Do you leave your boyfriend on read when he makes yous mad?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 5

    • No

    • Rarely

    • Maybe

    • He needs to larn a lesson

    • Most of the time

    • Yes

  • Question 6

    Do you remember your young man is cheating on you for no particular reason?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 6

    • No

    • Why would I?

    • I exercise that to test my BF

    • Girl'southward gotta be awake

    • Yes

    • I trust nobody

  • Question 7

    What would you lot do if your boyfriend was tired, deplorable, and moody?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 7

    • Requite him some space

    • Hug

    • Mess with him

    • Tell him nearly how crude my day was

    • Ignore him

    • Enquire him for a reason

  • Question viii

    How would you feel if you lot had to modify your plans because your BF needs you?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 8

    • I'm okay with that

    • I would love to

    • I ask him to do it without me this time

    • Ugh, all I'm asking is some quality time!

    • I tin't change my plans

    • He does not deserve it

  • Question 9

    Who pays for the food and stuff on your dates?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 9

    • Both of us

    • It depends

    • He needs to pay

    • I don't engagement men with no money

    • I ask him to pay for me

    • I'm too classy to pay for my dates

  • Question ten

    Do you lot recall your boyfriend must give yous all his attending and time?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 10

    • No

    • Only if I do the same thing too

    • That's the cost of having me!

    • He'd practise that if he loved me

    • He has no other selection

    • Aye, that'southward his duty

  • Question xi

    Would yous exist mad if your boyfriend was in a meeting and he couldn't pick up the telephone?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 11

    • No

    • Rarely

    • I'd brand him regret it

    • That means I'chiliad not his priority

    • He must option that damn phone upwards

    • He tin detect another GF, so

  • Question 12

    Practice you tell your boyfriend/partner how to dress up for an event or political party?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 12

    • No

    • Rarely

    • He has no idea how to dress up

    • I have to

    • Of course, I do

    • I don't care what he wears

  • Question 13

    Do you lot think your fellow should choose a career yous approve of?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 13

    • Every bit long as it's legal, no

    • Not really

    • Sometimes, yeah

    • Well, I don't want to terminate up with a poor human being

    • Sure!

    • I don't care what he does for a living

  • Question 14

    What would you do if your swain did not like your family?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 14

    • Requite him some fourth dimension

    • Heed to him

    • Remind him of his own stupid family

    • Warn him that he cannot be like that

    • I don't allow such opinions

    • I hate his family, too

  • Question fifteen

    Which one is the well-nigh crucial responsibility of your boyfriend in your relationship?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 15

    • Commitment

    • Love

    • Attending

    • Time

    • Listening to what I say

    • Making me feel good

  • Question 16

    What would you do after a big argument with your boyfriend?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 16

    • Try to talk

    • Ask for a hug

    • Stop talking to him

    • Never forgive him for breaking my heart

    • Make him regret it

    • Dump him right away

  • Question 17

    Would yous do an activity y'all don't similar only because your fellow asked yous to?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 17

    • Most of the time

    • Ever

    • Hell Nah

    • It depends

    • No

    • He can go do that with his friends

  • Question xviii

    Who gets to pick the movie or song?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 18

    • Both of us

    • Normally, me

    • Always me

    • Him

    • Me, because I'one thousand better at it

    • We don't practice such things together

  • Question 19

    Who is the mind behind your dating plans?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 19

    • Both of us

    • Information technology depends

    • Me

    • Him

    • He doesn't know how to programme

    • I don't similar dates

  • Question 20

    How would you react if your boyfriend wanted to paint his nails?

    100% Honest Girlfriend Quiz. What Type of Girlfriend Are You? 20

    • Support him

    • Help him

    • Brand fun of him

    • Remind him of his gender

    • Tell him no to

    • Dump him


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